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the website of Jon teacher, arranger and composer
"The Non-Stuffed Owl"
(8 bar intro)
I'm sitting here in my glass dome
My warm and light museum home.
My outside home
Was cold and fright'ning
With rain and cloud
Thunder and lightning
Please don't tell them I'm not dead
I wanna stay in here instead.
I feel they'd laugh, oh what a lark
The non-stuffed owl, afraid of dark.
And although here not much goes on
I've bugs and flies to feast upon.
I'm just glad the walls are so thick
'Cos it's not much fun,
Being agoraphobic!
Please don't tell them I'm not dead
I wanna stay in here instead.
I feel they'd laugh, oh what a lark
The non-stuffed owl, afraid of dark.
Please don't tell them I'm not dead
I wanna stay in here instead.
I feel they'd laugh, oh what a lark
The non-stuffed owl, afraid of dark.
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