the website of Mr teacher, arranger and composer
6. Song of the Handmaiden
1. My life has been obedience and servitude
To cater to his every mood, I know
I served him well and I’ll receive my just reward
For loyalty to my gracious Lord Pharaoh.
And I will gladly follow him always
He has my years, my months, my weeks, my days.
If his path to death is dark I’ll keep it lit
My life is his to use as he sees fit.
My Pharaoh was my world
I dreamt someday I’d be his wife.
My Pharaoh take me with you
To the glor-ious af-ter-life.
2. When it’s time to go I’ll face my fear with bravery
With dignity I’ll hold my head up high.
Into the tomb, to seal me in beside my Lord
I promise I won’t be afraid to die.
And I will gladly follow him always
He has my years, my months, my weeks, my days.
If his path to death is dark I’ll keep it lit
My life is his to use as he sees fit.
My Pharaoh was my world
I dreamt someday I’d be his wife.
My Pharaoh take me with you
To the glor-ious af-ter-life.