the website of Jon Shepherd...music teacher, arranger and composer
"Stay Safe Online!"
Jon Shepherd and Bearwood Y4 (2023-24)
On the Internet, to have a good time
Listen to us...Stay Safe Online!
Did you know?...
Passwords are like pants...and this is the key
Don't show them anyone, Change them regularly!
Only add good friends you know
If a stranger reaches out...just say NO!
Cyberbullying can make you sad
It's really no fun...nasty words on your iPad.
Negative messages, wheeling and dealing
Really makes me mad...really hurts my feelings.
On the Internet, to have a good time
Listen to us...Stay Safe Online!
Don't give away your personal info
Someone could hack you and make you feel so low
Passwords, addresses, keep them to yourself
Giving them away is bad for your health!
Don't just believe things at first sight
Just because it looks real...doesn't mean that it's right!
Only access your own stuff
'Cos you're number one...and that's enough!
On the Internet, to have a good time
Listen to us...Stay Safe Online!