the website of Jon teacher, arranger and composer
(4/4 time. 4 bar intro)
I have seen sights that would shock you
I have wandered the streets after dark
Seen poor children asleep in the gutters
Huddled together for warmth in the park.
I have been down to the docklands
Down where few of you would dare to tread
See the children asleep in the barrels
Shivering cold, no roof overhead
(chorus all)
We did not know this,
we have not seen this
This is a shocking state!
Where are these children?
We have not seen them,
We don't stay out so late.
We must do something about it
But what? we do not know.
This is so monstrous, this is so evil
Tell us what we can do!
I have met children like skeletons
Skin and bone and festering sores
I have seen the looks on their faces
Haunted, hunted, a look that implores
That's why I tell you about them
So you can share some of the blame
All I need is money to help them
Gather them in from the cold and the pain.
(chorus all)
Oh yes we'll help you, your words have touched us
We know what we must do.
We feel so guilty about these children
We know what we must do.
We'll help mister barnardo
We'll try hard to help you.
We'll give some money,
though we don't have much
We'll give what we can to you
We'll give what we can to you.